Why are you reviewing the Fender Lane and New Chester Road schemes, you haven’t done this for other schemes?

    These schemes were the first active travel schemes delivered in Wirral using light segregation for cyclists. We have had quite a lot of informal feedback from residents, and therefore wanted to carry out a formal consultation with Wirral residents so that we can review the route. The review will therefore be able to consider local knowledge and opinions as well as Department for Transport (DfT) guidance, traffic, speed and collision data.

    Will you put Fender Lane and New Chester Road back to the way they were before these changes came in, in 2020?

    From the feedback of this consultation and the other information collected such as traffic and collision data, a number of options will be presented to the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee to make a decision on.

    Options could include the following outcomes:

    • Maintaining the current layout with no changes.
    • Removing the current active travel route and reverting the layout to how it was before changes were made in 2020 (funding would be required).
    • Making adjustments to the current layout, retaining an active route (funding would be required).

    Why were the changes made at Fender Lane and New Chester Road?

    The changes were made to support active travel movements during the pandemic. The routes provide greater safety for cyclists via lightly segregated cycle routes and also provides extra safety for pedestrians via the one-lane break between motor vehicles and the pedestrian footway.

    It says that Fender Lane and New Chester Road are part of the proposed Core Active Travel Network – what does this mean?

    Wirral Council has a Places for People Strategy about active travel (walking, wheeling and cycling) and how it makes healthier, safer and more connected areas to live, work and travel.

    To deliver on this strategy we need to provide a collection of routes known as an active travel network to make walking, wheeling and cycling more available to people living and working in Wirral.

    A good active travel network includes a core network of main routes with supporting local area networks.

    A core network is made up of a main set of safe and direct routes that provide high quality walking, cycling and wheeling routes for local day-to-day travel to and from key destinations.

    Fender Lane and New Chester Road have been identified as one part of longer strategic links.