New Brighton Neighbourhood Framework Consultation

The consultation has now closed, thank you for your contributions. The consultation report is available in the documents section.

Wirral Council is developing a masterplan for New Brighton, which will set out a clear and shared vision to revitalise New Brighton over the next fifteen years.

We have previously consulted on the issues and opportunities for New Brighton and a summary of feedback can be viewed in the Documents section of this page, alongside a plan showing the area being looked at.

We now want to focus on some of the ideas for the area. We have been working with local school children to get their concepts for New Brighton, including hosting an event at New Brighton Primary School in July 2022. Photos of the event are provided on this page.

Feedback from the school events has been used to develop a 3D model of New Brighton, to showcase ideas and to get people’s views.

Two immersive virtual reality experiences were hosted on the 14 and 15 of October in the Floral Pavilion, New Brighton. Visitors viewed virtual reality (VR) technology to experience how New Brighton could develop with the help of customised 3D modelling based on ideas by local young people.

We want to hear your views to ensure the masterplan reflects what people want. We want to find out what sort of place New Brighton could be for the future.

An online survey is available below. An easy read version is available in the Documents section of this site and paper copies can be provided on request.

Feedback from this stage of consultation will be used to inform the final options for the masterplan, which is due to be consulted on in 2023.

The consultation has now closed, thank you for your contributions. The consultation report is available in the documents section.

Wirral Council is developing a masterplan for New Brighton, which will set out a clear and shared vision to revitalise New Brighton over the next fifteen years.

We have previously consulted on the issues and opportunities for New Brighton and a summary of feedback can be viewed in the Documents section of this page, alongside a plan showing the area being looked at.

We now want to focus on some of the ideas for the area. We have been working with local school children to get their concepts for New Brighton, including hosting an event at New Brighton Primary School in July 2022. Photos of the event are provided on this page.

Feedback from the school events has been used to develop a 3D model of New Brighton, to showcase ideas and to get people’s views.

Two immersive virtual reality experiences were hosted on the 14 and 15 of October in the Floral Pavilion, New Brighton. Visitors viewed virtual reality (VR) technology to experience how New Brighton could develop with the help of customised 3D modelling based on ideas by local young people.

We want to hear your views to ensure the masterplan reflects what people want. We want to find out what sort of place New Brighton could be for the future.

An online survey is available below. An easy read version is available in the Documents section of this site and paper copies can be provided on request.

Feedback from this stage of consultation will be used to inform the final options for the masterplan, which is due to be consulted on in 2023.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete the survey below to provide your ideas about New Brighton of the future. The survey includes short videos to view which are linked to the questions.

    It should be noted that the ideas shown do not represent Council proposals. These have been informed by local schoolchildren to stimulate conversation and people’s imagination about how their neighbourhood could change in the future. Any locations shown in the videos below are for illustrative purposes only.

Page last updated: 23 Mar 2023, 11:04 AM