Price Street Active Travel Scheme
Wirral Council have received a £2.89 million funding package from Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to provide walking and cycling infrastructure upgrades as part of the Sustainable Urban Development Programme which focuses on delivering projects related to transport, sustainable urban mobility, and green infrastructure. This funding cannot be used for any other purpose.
We are proposing to use some of this funding to improve walking and cycling facilities on and around Price Street, Bidston and St. James Ward.
The proposals include:
Beaufort Road / Price Street
A new 3 metre wide, two-way, segregated cycleway along Beaufort Road with a “Tiger Crossing” incorporating a pedestrian zebra and cycling crossing facility. This will connect to the new off-road cycling and walking facility currently under construction at Beaufort Road / Wallasey Bridge Road. The Beaufort Road / Price Street junction will be upgraded to improve / provide walking and cycling facilities.
Cavendish Street / Price Street
A modal filter (a road closure using landscaping and bollards) will be installed on Price Street adjacent to the Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Low-level planting, paving and lighting will be used to provide a pleasant space for residents to move through that is not dominated by vehicular traffic. Access will be restricted for all vehicular traffic. A “Tiger Crossing” incorporating a pedestrian zebra and cycle crossing facility will be provided at the junction of Cavendish Street.
Duke Street / Price Street
An upgrade of the existing traffic signal junction at Duke Street/Price Street to include cycle features and controlled pedestrian crossing facilities at each crossing point.
Tree Planting
Many of the trees along Price Street have been damaged and lost over the years. The scheme plans to replace and provide new trees to help turn Price Street into a tree lined avenue.
A photograph of Price Street as it is now, and a visual representation of the proposed scheme are shown in the images below and the Information Sheet in the Documents section on this page. Detailed concept plans, showing the extent of the proposals, are also available to view in the Documents section on this page.

Proposed Price Street improvement scheme.
Please provide your feedback on these proposals through expressions of support or objections by completing the short survey below.
Please note the concept plans and documents may not be accessible for people with disabilities, users of assistive technology or mobile phones. If you need an accessible copy of these documents, please contact us at