School Streets - Christ Church CE Primary School
Christ Church CE Primary School and Wirral Council worked together to trial a ‘School Streets’ scheme outside the primary school. This scheme has now been made permanent.
A School Street is a stretch of road outside a school that is temporarily closed to traffic during school drop-off and pick-up times.
The roads that will be closed to general traffic at Christ Church CE Primary School will be:
- Mount Grove,
- Brimstage Street,
- Brattan Road,
- Falcon Road and
- Ashford Road
This then limits traffic in the roads outside the school at key times and creates a predominantly car free zone.
The map below shows which roads will be closed during the School Street operational hours:
When will the School Street be in operation?
Mount Grove, Brimstage Street, Brattan Road, Falcon Road and Ashford Road will be closed to general traffic Monday to Friday 08:30 am to 09:30 am and 2:45 pm to 3:45pm. Only pedestrians, cyclists or motorists with an exemption will be able to access the School Street during these times.
Why are you introducing a School Street?
There are a number of concerns in relation to school traffic entering the narrow roads in the vicinity of the school and turning manoeuvres in close proximity to children walking to and from school.
This scheme will encourage families to walk , cycle, scoot or park further away from the school and walk the last part of the journey. Many children and families are already doing this, and it would be great to see even more people joining them.
Where can I park to drop my child/children off?
Please refer to the map showing which roads will be closed.
We are actively encouraging people to walk, cycle or scoot to school. If you have limited options to do this due to work commitments etc. we would encourage people to park and stride for the remainder of the journey. The council will work with the schools involved and their community to make sure that alternative suggestions are considered.
If you are parking on roads outside of the School Street zone please be considerate of residents (for example, by not parking over driveways) and existing parking restrictions.
How can I have my say?
Thank you to those who contributed to our survey. This survey is now closed. The findings will be analysed and shared once the pilot is complete.