Scotts Quay Neighbourhood Framework Consultation

The survey has now closed, thank you for your contributions.

Wirral Council is developing a framework for future development of the Scotts Quay area. The Scotts Quay Neighbourhood Framework aims to create a new high-density mixed use sustainable living area maximising the potential of its setting, combining existing and new homes to create a thriving waterside community.

Scotts Quay forms a crucial part in the Birkenhead 2040 Framework. The area has great potential with excellent transport links and a prominent location next to the River Mersey. The site is only 1.5 miles from Birkenhead Town Centre and neighbours the Twelve Quays Ferry Terminal and the Wirral Waters development. Homes and businesses such as United Molasses are already located in the area and there is also some derelict land.

The future development potential at Scotts Quay is key to delivering benefits for local people and maintaining the historical context of the area within the Liverpool City Region. Other strategic partners and stakeholders, such as Peel Ports and Homes England, will work closely with Wirral Council colleagues to maximise the potential of the area. The site will also benefit from linkages to new and existing transport systems and routes.

The proposed development aims to create new residential developments including affordable and retirement properties, as well as housing for young professionals. There will also be opportunities for further commercial premises to be developed in the area, with the potential for new jobs and places of business. Current proposals for the area include:

  • Family, professional and retirement properties, including up to 300 houses, 3,200 apartments, 15.7 hectares of green space and 13,000 square metres of office space, depending on land availability, and environmental and time constraints
  • Opportunities for new modern employment premises to support local economic growth, ensuring the continued positive economic contribution of this neighbourhood in the future
  • Improvements to the existing housing area within the neighbourhood alongside the delivery of new waterfront living opportunities

The key objectives of the Neighbourhood Framework are:

  • Respond to the needs of local residents and business to create a high-quality residential area that can coexist with the businesses in the local area
  • To ensure that development is sensitive to its context and improves the character and quality of the local area, maximising the sustainable links to the Mersey Ferry at Seacombe, the cycling routes like SUStrans route 56 and the Wirral Circular Trail, as well as public transport routes to Birkenhead Road
  • To create development that is well connected to the surrounding area and is inclusive and accessible
  • To enhance the sense of safety and security for residents
  • To enhance place-marketing and inward investment potential
  • To create more energy efficient and less polluting development

For more information you can view the Scotts Quay Neighbourhood Framework and the Executive Summary in the Documents section of this page. Please be aware that the Scotts Quay Masterplan Framework is a very large file and may take some time to download.

Have Your Say

We would like to hear your opinions on the plans for Scotts Quay. We want to hear from as many people as possible so we can make the most of local knowledge and make sure the final masterplan is based on the views of people who care about the future of Birkenhead.

Please share your views on Scotts Quay by completing the survey below.

Get Involved in Person

You can visit the pop-up engagement shop BirkenEd’s Place to find out about a range of exciting plans for Birkenhead. In the shop you’ll find materials and images to help you give feedback and share your views on a range of development projects as well as a programme of events.

In-person engagement on Scotts Quay will take place from 17 July to 22 July 2023 at BirkenEd’s Place.

You can read more at our BirkenEd’s Place website and check the dates of activities going on.

The survey has now closed, thank you for your contributions.

Wirral Council is developing a framework for future development of the Scotts Quay area. The Scotts Quay Neighbourhood Framework aims to create a new high-density mixed use sustainable living area maximising the potential of its setting, combining existing and new homes to create a thriving waterside community.

Scotts Quay forms a crucial part in the Birkenhead 2040 Framework. The area has great potential with excellent transport links and a prominent location next to the River Mersey. The site is only 1.5 miles from Birkenhead Town Centre and neighbours the Twelve Quays Ferry Terminal and the Wirral Waters development. Homes and businesses such as United Molasses are already located in the area and there is also some derelict land.

The future development potential at Scotts Quay is key to delivering benefits for local people and maintaining the historical context of the area within the Liverpool City Region. Other strategic partners and stakeholders, such as Peel Ports and Homes England, will work closely with Wirral Council colleagues to maximise the potential of the area. The site will also benefit from linkages to new and existing transport systems and routes.

The proposed development aims to create new residential developments including affordable and retirement properties, as well as housing for young professionals. There will also be opportunities for further commercial premises to be developed in the area, with the potential for new jobs and places of business. Current proposals for the area include:

  • Family, professional and retirement properties, including up to 300 houses, 3,200 apartments, 15.7 hectares of green space and 13,000 square metres of office space, depending on land availability, and environmental and time constraints
  • Opportunities for new modern employment premises to support local economic growth, ensuring the continued positive economic contribution of this neighbourhood in the future
  • Improvements to the existing housing area within the neighbourhood alongside the delivery of new waterfront living opportunities

The key objectives of the Neighbourhood Framework are:

  • Respond to the needs of local residents and business to create a high-quality residential area that can coexist with the businesses in the local area
  • To ensure that development is sensitive to its context and improves the character and quality of the local area, maximising the sustainable links to the Mersey Ferry at Seacombe, the cycling routes like SUStrans route 56 and the Wirral Circular Trail, as well as public transport routes to Birkenhead Road
  • To create development that is well connected to the surrounding area and is inclusive and accessible
  • To enhance the sense of safety and security for residents
  • To enhance place-marketing and inward investment potential
  • To create more energy efficient and less polluting development

For more information you can view the Scotts Quay Neighbourhood Framework and the Executive Summary in the Documents section of this page. Please be aware that the Scotts Quay Masterplan Framework is a very large file and may take some time to download.

Have Your Say

We would like to hear your opinions on the plans for Scotts Quay. We want to hear from as many people as possible so we can make the most of local knowledge and make sure the final masterplan is based on the views of people who care about the future of Birkenhead.

Please share your views on Scotts Quay by completing the survey below.

Get Involved in Person

You can visit the pop-up engagement shop BirkenEd’s Place to find out about a range of exciting plans for Birkenhead. In the shop you’ll find materials and images to help you give feedback and share your views on a range of development projects as well as a programme of events.

In-person engagement on Scotts Quay will take place from 17 July to 22 July 2023 at BirkenEd’s Place.

You can read more at our BirkenEd’s Place website and check the dates of activities going on.

Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024, 02:46 PM