Budget 2023-24: Parks & Countryside
We asked
As part of the budget consultation exercise for the 2023-24 budget, a budget proposal for the reduction of the maintenance budget for Parks and Countryside services was put forward. This included a 50% budget reduction (options such as relocating central libraries (meaning stopping non-statutory works at a selection of parks across the parks and countryside services estate) or a 25% reduction (meaning stopping non-statutory works at a smaller selection of parks across the parks and countryside estate).
You said and we did
Almost 75% of the responses either disagreed or strongly disagreed with the proposals. The options to reduce the maintenance budget for Parks and Countryside services was therefore removed from the final budget proposals set before Budget P&R Committee on 15 February 2023, and taken for final ratification at Budget Council on 27 February 2023.
The budget page is here.