Conway Street and Europa Boulevard Active Travel

We Asked

Wirral Council has received £7.2 million from the Government's Future High Streets Fund, Active Travel Fund and private funding, to make improvements on Conway Street and Europa Boulevard. The funding cannot be used for any other purpose. The proposed improvements were designed to provide walking, cycling and public realm improvements, increasing connectivity and road safety within the town centre.

Phase 1 consultation (found here) sought reasons for supporting and objecting to the proposals, with feedback considered in the design process. Following this feedback, a second phase (found here) of consultation was designed to give notice and detail of the Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) required to make the proposals effective and collected feedback on these TRO's.

You Said

88 people responded to the phase 1 consultation. 71.6% of responses supported proposals on Conway Street, 70.5% supported proposals on Europa Boulevard and 62.1% supported the proposed changes to Europa car park.

24 people responded to the phase 2 consultation. 50% supported and 50% objected to the introduction of a one-way road system on Conway Street, 54.5% objected to the proposed introduction of on-street parking restrictions on Conway Street, 58.3% of respondents supported the proposed introduction of a bus lane on Conway Street, 50% supported and 50% objected to the introduction of cycle facilities on Conway Street, 52.2% supported the proposed introduction of on-street parking restrictions on Europa Boulevard and 62.5% supported the proposed introduction of cycle facilities on Europa Boulevard.

We Did

Conway Street and Europa Boulevard Active Travel Scheme was approved for delivery with completion scheduled for Summer 2025.

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