Domestic Burning
We Asked
A public consultation was conducted from 4 September to September 2023 to help understand people’s attitudes and behaviours about burning at home, with the aim to create a campaign to improve air quality in Wirral.
You Said
1,537 people responded to the consultation.
The survey concluded that finances and necessity were strong drivers for burning indoors, over and above aesthetic, comfort, or waste disposal needs. The results also note that there is high intention to burn in the future, with more people intending to burn than currently do, with the majority of this having the intention of burning to heat their homes.
Most participants knew what a Smoke Control Area was, however most did not know whether or not they lived in one. Nor did most people attribute indoor and outdoor burning to health conditions such as asthma, coronary heart disease and lung disease.
Click to view the consultation page and report.
We Did
A campaign was developed, with the support of DEFRA, and the outcome of the public consultation informed the tone, visuals and messaging of the campaign. Campaign channels included, Social media – Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), Local media – Wirral Globe, Liverpool Echo and Partnerships with local supermarkets, discount stores and small businesses.
Best practice for home burning can be viewed here.