Hoylake Beach Management Plan

We asked

To develop a new beach management plan for Hoylake Beach residents were consulted in Phase 2 consultation from 19 February to 21 March 2024.

For the consultation two options were developed and put forward for public consultation. Officers worked with Natural England and MEAS in developing the options as well as with the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) as a key stakeholder and user of Hoylake Beach. The 2 options that were Option 1 Access for All which provides the “do minimum” option with regard to vegetation removal and Option 2 ‘Amenity Beach’ which provides a “do minimum” approach regarding vegetation removal between Red Rocks and Kings Gap.

You Said

The questionnaire was responded to by 1125 people. 1003 responses through the online portal and 122 paper copies. Most of the survey participants were Wirral residents (92.9%). 61.3% of participants were residents of Hoylake and Meols ward.

For all responses the most supported option was Option 2 – Amenity Beach with 67.2% of respondents preferring this option. 26.6% of respondents preferred Option 1 – Access for All and 6.2% did not know which they preferred. The project page and Consultation report can be viewed here.

Natural England is the Government’s statutory nature conservation adviser and regulator, the Council can only manage the beach in a way that is approved by Natural England. In their response to the consultation, they stated that they are unlikely to support Option 1 - Access for all in its current form but have offered options for modification for further discussion with the Council. They do not support Option 2 – Amenity Beach due to the extent of vegetation loss outlined. They would like to continue working with the Council to get a good outcome for nature and people at Hoylake Beach.

We Did

The Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee met on 15 April 2024. After discussion they authorised the Director of Neighbourhood Services to work with Natural England to develop a beach management plan that approximates as closely as possible the consultation preferred option – Option 2 – Amenity Beach. The Director was also instructed to put in place all requirements to progress the implementation of the beach management plan and to finalise and implement the beach management plan subject to assent being in place from Natural England.

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