Planning Applications: Proposed Changes to the Local Validation Checklist

We Asked
We asked for your comments on our proposed changes to the Council’s Local Validation Checklist.
You Said
We received comments from 5 individuals during the course of the 6 week consultation period. The issues raised can be summarised as follows:
- The importance of detailed assessment of Conservation matters.
- Enforcement of tree protection measures.
- Adequacy of information provided in relation to Biodiversity Net Gain.
- Clarification over the stipulation that plans submitted with planning applications should not include a statement saying ‘Do Not Scale’.
- Concerns over the requirement to submit information relating to trees on and adjacent to a site where development is being carried out.
- Requests for more detailed traffic tracking information.
- Query with regard Design and Access Statements.
We Did
A direct response was sent to each individual addressing the separate issues raised and seeking to provide further explanation as to the why certain information is required when submitting a planning application.
Each response was considered carefully to assess whether any further changes should be made to the checklist, however the team is satisfied that the requirements of the checklist are proportionate, reasonable, and necessary in the determination of planning applications. Therefore, no further amends have been made to the checklist.
The Checklist has been approved by the Director of Regeneration and Place and is published on the website here.