New Brighton Marine Promenade Masterplan

We Asked

We asked for feedback on the New Brighton Marine Promenade Masterplan. This focuses on the area extending from the Floral Pavilion to the west of Union Terrace in New Brighton. The Masterplan sets out a framework to deliver a high-quality, attractive and vibrant mixed-use area comprising a mix of cultural, hotel, leisure and residential uses which support the regeneration of neighbouring areas and facilities including the Floral Pavilion Theatre and the Local Centres at Victoria Road and Seabank Road. The Masterplan identifies potential for one or more appropriately designed landmark buildings and seeks to encourage active uses at ground floor level.

You Said

59% of respondents said they supported the masterplan overall. Feedback suggested that it could provide benefits including improving the image of the town, encouraging more visitors and businesses and a possible outdoor lido could be beneficial. Respondents also fed back that there were some concerns about reducing parking provision and the possible inclusion of multi-storey buildings.

We Did

At the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee 16 July 2024 the New Brighton Marine Promenade Masterplan was adopted as the Council’s approved planning strategy for the area. Amendments were made in regards to strengthening reference to the use of the Marine Lake for recreational uses, including open water swimming and the inclusion of an additional 'infill' option for the site at the corner of Rowson Street/Marine Promenade.

Link to consultation page.

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