Polling Place and Polling District Statutory Review 2023

We Asked
Wirral Council is legally required to complete a review of all polling districts and polling places every five years. The review will not consider ward or parliamentary constituency boundaries.
We asked for your views and suggestions on:
- How convenient the location of your local polling place is in relation to where you live.
- How accessible your local polling place is, for example if you are blind or use a wheelchair.
- If you think that this is the best location for your polling place. Please suggest alternative premises that could be used if applicable.
- The (Acting) Returning Officer’s comments for future electoral arrangements.
You Said
39 people responded to the survey. The feedback was compiled and presented to the The Regulatory and General Purposes Committee on 23rd November 2023. The report can be viewed in the documents section here.
We Did
During the Regulatory and General Purposes Committee (external link) on 23 November 2023, it was agreed that, in light of the consultation, it was not necessary to change any of the current polling places as a result of the review.