Scott’s Quay Neighbourhood Framework

We Asked

The vision for Scott’s Quay was to redevelop vacant and/or under-utilised plots for a mixture of new residential and compatible commercial uses, changing the balance from industry to residential and more generally to improve the visual appearance and condition of buildings within the area

You Said

Several of the existing businesses in the area objected to the proposals for significant residential development as they felt it could adversely impact on their current operations. A number of constraints were identified including poor air quality near the dock edge, noise issues relating to some existing employment uses and an odour issue associated with the storage tanks in the docks. Feedback on the proposal also included that the framework must meet the needs of current local residents, it must incorporate public transport and be financially viable.

We Did

At the Economy regeneration and Housing Committee 16 July 2024, the proposed Scott’s Quay Neighbourhood Framework was withdrawn as the council’s regeneration strategy for the area. There is a proposed modification to the Local Plan withdrawing the Regeneration Area and associated site allocations. Further work will be undertaken to explore the constraints and work with stakeholders to determine a sustainable regeneration strategy for the area.

Link to consultation page.

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