Selective Licensing

We Asked
Selective Licensing is a scheme to improve private rented homes within specific designated neighbourhoods by requiring landlords to obtain a licence and comply with certain agreed conditions. This scheme aims to improve homes in the Selective Licensing areas by ensuring private landlords meet satisfactory standards of tenancy and property management.
The proposed areas for 2024-2029 are:
- Birkenhead West
- Seacombe St Pauls
- Bidston & St James West
- Egremont North
We asked for your views on:
- Your level of agreement to the implementation of the scheme.
- Your level of agreement to the level of the selective licensing fee.
- Your level of agreement to the proposed reductions to the selective licensing fee.
- For landlords, the level of agreement to some of the selective licensing conditions.
You Said
498 people responded to the Residents and Businesses survey and 46 people responded to the Landlords survey. The feedback was analysed and presented to the Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee on 6 December 2023. The report can be viewed in the documents section here.
We Did
During the Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee Meeting (external link) on 6 December 2023, the proposals to implement Selective Licensing were approved.