The Knife Angel

We asked

The Knife Angel was located at the Grand Arch, Birkenhead Park throughout July 2022 to act as a catalyst for turning the tide on violent and aggressive behaviour, and as a poignant memorial for the countless lives lost to knife crime.

Visitors to the Angel were asked to provide feedback about the Knife Angel at the site by writing messages on the Knife Angel banners or engaging with the chaplains and also online on a Have your say website Guestbook in order pledge commitment to the national anti-violence message.

You said

A number of key themes were identified in the messages received on the banners, these included: requests for individuals to consider the consequences of their actions if they use a knife, messages emphasising the negative impacts of knife crime, reflecting on the emotional impact of visiting the Knife Angel and many shorter messages from younger children which summarised the general message of the seriousness of violence and knife crime.

For more information and to view the pledge report click here.

We did

These banners will continue to be used as an educational resource and talking point for future work on the issue of knife crime with the Detached Youth Work Team.

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