Wirral Pollinator Strategy Consultation

We asked
in order to develop a pollinator strategy, the consultation sought the views of Wirral residents' feedback on the following 5 key areas:
Pollinator habitats and the threat of potential extinction of species.
Awareness of pollinators and support for their habitats.
Pollinator conservation on council land.
Knowledge and understanding of pollinators.
Addressing the needs of pollinators in local plans, policy making and guidance.
You said
The questionnaire yielded 172 responses, and the mapping tool received 48 pollinator site recommendations. Responses conveyed strong support for the development of a pollinator strategy for Wirral in order to address the decline in pollinators and support the local commitment to tackle the declared climate emergency
For more information about the consultation and to view the consultation report click here.
We did
Following the consultation, a strategy was developed to support pollinators in Wirral. The Wirral Pollinator Strategy sets out five broad aims that the Council and its partners will work together to deliver:
- Ensure the needs of pollinators are represented in local plans, policy, and guidance for regeneration and economic development.
- Protect, increase, and enhance the amount of pollinator habitat in Wirral to prevent extinctions and improve the status of any locally threatened species
- Increase awareness of pollinators and their habitat needs across local residents, community and voluntary groups, businesses, and other landowners
- Increase the contribution to pollinator conservation of all land under the ownership of, or managed by the Council
- Improve our knowledge and understanding of pollinators in our local area
The Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport committee on 30th November 2022 reviewed and approved the consultation and strategy.
The strategy in full can be found on the consultation page.