Woodside Masterplan

We Asked

A public consultation was conducted from 8 January to 18 March regarding the Woodside Masterplan. The proposals included: 1,700 homes within the Masterplan redline and approximately 2,560 in total including the areas outside of the redline masterplanned, 2 new hotels, but potential for more, 11,300 sqm of active ground floor uses including workspaces, food and beverages, leisure and health, 2 new multi-storey carparks supporting a centralised parking solution - 1 within the masterplan boundary, opportunity for a major new cultural attraction, enhanced public realm, new external event space and improved cycleways and enhanced connections to public transport and the town centre.

You Said

172 people responded to the consultation. Two thirds (66.7%) of respondents supported the masterplan, 13.5% did not support the masterplan. Railway links were deemed the most important travel method in Woodside, followed by walking infrastructure. Cycling infrastructure was ranked as the least important. The largest perceived benefit of the Woodside masterplan was ‘Contribute to effectively regenerating Birkenhead,’ with 14.4% of responses, followed by ‘Improve the image of the town’, with 14.3% of responses.

We Did

At the meeting of the 04/12/2024 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, the Woodside Masterplan was approved.

Link to consultation page.

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