Why is it going to take such a long time to deliver the core network?

    The proposed network is what we would like to deliver over the next 15 years. This will take time as once the routes have been agreed, this will be used to help apply for funding and then the schemes will need to be designed in the most effective way to benefit those in the areas most. Further consultation and engagement will take place on the design of the individual schemes at a future date and implementation will be subject to funding and securing the appropriate approvals.

    Why can’t I see what the proposed routes are going to look like?

    The proposed core network plan is currently just about where we think routes for cycling and walking and better travel should be introduced. How we introduce them, including the design, function and look of the routes will be the next stage of this process, should the routes be approved. Additional consultation and engagement will take place on the design of the individual schemes and adjacent local area networks.

    Why is so much funding being used for active travel schemes like this?

    There is currently not any specific funding allocated to deliver the proposed core network, instead if approved, the plan will be used to apply for funding so that they can be delivered. Different funding pots may have specific requirements which mean that the schemes need to be in a certain area or have certain features so this will influence the design of the route as well. This is all something that will be in a next stage of the development of the network plan, once approved.

    Does this network plan include smaller routes for cycling and walking?

    No, currently this network plan, just focuses on the main core routes that can support the most journeys and therefore most residents. The routes are therefore mainly on roads that otherwise may put off people from travelling on them by walking, wheeling or cycling. Smaller routes, such as through quieter streets and parks, support the network plan and some of these already exist or may be developed in other plans. This Core Active Travel Network will also be supplemented with area based networks, which will be consulted on at a later date.

    Why does this network plan focus on proposed new routes as opposed to making the current cycle lanes and pavements better?

    The proposed network plan is what we hope to introduce in Wirral over the next 15 years. This focuses on the new routes that are to be introduced so that residents can be involved in the planning of these new routes to make sure that they support their local journeys. Existing routes are also important, to ensure that long-term there is a network of routes that enable getting around the borough to the facilities that we need to is easier and more connected. As part of this consultation, please make us aware of any issues or problems on any existing routes pavements or cycle paths. These can also be reported to us at any time using this link.

    Do these plans consider routes for accessibility for everyone?

    Yes, as part of the proposed network, routes have been suggested with all residents in mind to ensure that it supports them to walk, wheel or cycle for their local journeys. As part of this consultation, we want feedback on whether the proposed core network covers people’s journeys to work, school, leisure and other facilities, and would enable them to travel more actively. This Core Active Travel Network will also be supplemented with area based networks, which will be consulted on at a later date and will further support walking, wheeling and cycling.