Budget 2022-23: Public Toilets

The consultation has now closed, thank you for your contributions. The consultation report is published in the Documents section of this page.

Wirral Council is facing significant financial challenges and is currently going through a detailed process to set a budget for the next year. This is part of a wider approach to address long term structural issues in the council’s finances and deliver substantial savings to balance the budget.

The council is legally obliged to set a balanced budget or risk Government intervention, and the savings measures currently being proposed are intended to put the authority on a stable financial footing for the long-term.

This budget proposal is for Public Conveniences. The Council currently provides 9 locations for Public Conveniences throughout the Borough and this proposal suggests the closure of 5 conveniences.

However there will remain public conveniences at numerous parks across the borough unaffected by this proposal, in addition to toilets open to the public at a number of public buildings. A map showing public toilets including parks is available in the Documents section of this webpage

During the pandemic public toilets at four key sites were opened when it was safe to do so, with additional cleaning put in place to maintain public safety. These opened sites were chosen due to their location, response to increased activity of residents and visitors at coastal areas, and also considering the condition and suitability of the facilities to provide a good quality public service.

The proposal is to retain those four sites that are currently open: West Kirby Marine Lake, Parade Gardens Hoylake, Harrison Drive (Kings Parade) New Brighton and Moreton Common. The sites that would close are Moreton Cross, West Kirby Concourse (external), Meols Parade (Bennetts Lane), New Ferry and Thornton Hough.

The retained Public Conveniences are generally in good condition, but some building improvements would be required; by reducing the number of sites this would allow more investment in the retained facilities.

This budget option will generate a potential saving of £50,000 if taken. Further information on the proposals is included in the Documents section on this page including a map of public conveniences.

At this stage no final decisions on any of the budget proposals have been made and councillors have requested this consultation to allow all views to be considered. Following this budget consultation, the next step in the budget process will be for members of the council’s Policy Committees to scrutinise the savings proposals taking into account the comments of the public including any suggestions on alternative ways of making savings and the budget allotted by the full Council to the relevant Committee. This will take place at their meetings in late May or June when decisions will be made on the proposals.

You can find more details about the budget-setting process and all the savings options being considered here: Wirral View Budget Proposals 2022-23

To provide your feedback please complete the survey below.

The consultation has now closed, thank you for your contributions. The consultation report is published in the Documents section of this page.

Wirral Council is facing significant financial challenges and is currently going through a detailed process to set a budget for the next year. This is part of a wider approach to address long term structural issues in the council’s finances and deliver substantial savings to balance the budget.

The council is legally obliged to set a balanced budget or risk Government intervention, and the savings measures currently being proposed are intended to put the authority on a stable financial footing for the long-term.

This budget proposal is for Public Conveniences. The Council currently provides 9 locations for Public Conveniences throughout the Borough and this proposal suggests the closure of 5 conveniences.

However there will remain public conveniences at numerous parks across the borough unaffected by this proposal, in addition to toilets open to the public at a number of public buildings. A map showing public toilets including parks is available in the Documents section of this webpage

During the pandemic public toilets at four key sites were opened when it was safe to do so, with additional cleaning put in place to maintain public safety. These opened sites were chosen due to their location, response to increased activity of residents and visitors at coastal areas, and also considering the condition and suitability of the facilities to provide a good quality public service.

The proposal is to retain those four sites that are currently open: West Kirby Marine Lake, Parade Gardens Hoylake, Harrison Drive (Kings Parade) New Brighton and Moreton Common. The sites that would close are Moreton Cross, West Kirby Concourse (external), Meols Parade (Bennetts Lane), New Ferry and Thornton Hough.

The retained Public Conveniences are generally in good condition, but some building improvements would be required; by reducing the number of sites this would allow more investment in the retained facilities.

This budget option will generate a potential saving of £50,000 if taken. Further information on the proposals is included in the Documents section on this page including a map of public conveniences.

At this stage no final decisions on any of the budget proposals have been made and councillors have requested this consultation to allow all views to be considered. Following this budget consultation, the next step in the budget process will be for members of the council’s Policy Committees to scrutinise the savings proposals taking into account the comments of the public including any suggestions on alternative ways of making savings and the budget allotted by the full Council to the relevant Committee. This will take place at their meetings in late May or June when decisions will be made on the proposals.

You can find more details about the budget-setting process and all the savings options being considered here: Wirral View Budget Proposals 2022-23

To provide your feedback please complete the survey below.

Page last updated: 21 Jul 2022, 11:16 AM