Budget 2023-24: Library Services

The consultation has now closed, thank you for your contributions. The consultation report is published in the Documents section of this page.

The Council currently provides fifteen library sites in Wirral from where residents can borrow books, use computer and internet facilities, and attend events. Physical library usage and book borrowing has been in decline for a number of years, as online and digital media has increased in popularity.

Post pandemic use of libraries has seen a further decline in the way that residents use libraries, and the introduction of more digital access and online services, has added to this.

The Council must fund the operation and maintenance of all library buildings and although libraries do generate a modest income, it is not enough to cover the costs of the Library Service.

This proposal will look to find savings through reducing the current library offer.

The consultation has now closed, thank you for your contributions. The consultation report is published in the Documents section of this page.

The Council currently provides fifteen library sites in Wirral from where residents can borrow books, use computer and internet facilities, and attend events. Physical library usage and book borrowing has been in decline for a number of years, as online and digital media has increased in popularity.

Post pandemic use of libraries has seen a further decline in the way that residents use libraries, and the introduction of more digital access and online services, has added to this.

The Council must fund the operation and maintenance of all library buildings and although libraries do generate a modest income, it is not enough to cover the costs of the Library Service.

This proposal will look to find savings through reducing the current library offer.

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2023, 12:26 PM