Budget 2023-24: Parks and Countryside

The consultation has now closed, thank you for your contributions. The consultation report is published in the Documents section of this page.

This proposal will look to find savings through reductions in non-statutory parks services that are carried out across the borough, i.e., services that the Council does not have to deliver by law. This includes stopping maintenance for a selection of identified grassed areas in parks, including some football, rugby and cricket pitches, bowling greens and grass tennis courts as well as ceasing maintenance for some flower beds and borders, lakes, ponds and boating lakes. Children’s playgrounds would still be maintained, as would litter picking.

Statutory duties would still be carried out in relation to maintenance of: Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), closed and open churchyards, scheduled monuments, historic parks and gardens (such as Birkenhead Park and Hamilton Square), health and safety inspections, waste removal, allotments and roadside verges (limited to a 1.5metre cut from the road kerb).

To provide your feedback on the budget proposals please complete the survey below.

The consultation has now closed, thank you for your contributions. The consultation report is published in the Documents section of this page.

This proposal will look to find savings through reductions in non-statutory parks services that are carried out across the borough, i.e., services that the Council does not have to deliver by law. This includes stopping maintenance for a selection of identified grassed areas in parks, including some football, rugby and cricket pitches, bowling greens and grass tennis courts as well as ceasing maintenance for some flower beds and borders, lakes, ponds and boating lakes. Children’s playgrounds would still be maintained, as would litter picking.

Statutory duties would still be carried out in relation to maintenance of: Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), closed and open churchyards, scheduled monuments, historic parks and gardens (such as Birkenhead Park and Hamilton Square), health and safety inspections, waste removal, allotments and roadside verges (limited to a 1.5metre cut from the road kerb).

To provide your feedback on the budget proposals please complete the survey below.

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2023, 12:25 PM