Family Hub Youth Survey

Family Hubs will be spaces where families can easily access a wide range of non-judgemental support to help them live well in Wirral. They will provide support for a range of topics covering social care, education, mental and physical health. They will also provide information and support to young people in the family regarding careers advice, substance misuse, support for young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET) or just a safe space for the young people.

We would like to listen to the views and opinion of our young people to help set the vision for a new model of ‘one-stop shop’ style support. Please complete the survey below to share your views with us.

Family Hubs will be spaces where families can easily access a wide range of non-judgemental support to help them live well in Wirral. They will provide support for a range of topics covering social care, education, mental and physical health. They will also provide information and support to young people in the family regarding careers advice, substance misuse, support for young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET) or just a safe space for the young people.

We would like to listen to the views and opinion of our young people to help set the vision for a new model of ‘one-stop shop’ style support. Please complete the survey below to share your views with us.

Page last updated: 06 Jul 2023, 04:03 PM