20mph speed limit scheme phase 2
We Asked
Wirral Council is looking to introduce more 20mph speed limits to improve air quality and reduce traffic speeds so that people can feel safer on the road.
As part of phase 1 of the 20mph speed limit scheme, 15 areas were consulted upon and approved for implementation at the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport committee in January 2023.
A further 15 20mph areas were proposed as part of phase 2, and residents were invited to share their views.
You Said
2,226 people responded to the survey, 92.7% objected to the introduction of the scheme and 7.3% supported it.
The survey identified some concerns about the introduction of the scheme, which included that:
- It would not make the roads safer.
- It would not decrease air pollution.
- It would increase journey times & congestion.
- It was not appropriate for main roads.
Supporters believed that the scheme would:
- Make the roads safer.
- Change driver attitude for the better
- Become and accepted aspect of road safety, like seatbelts.
We Did
The statutory consultation phase is not a referendum or public vote but allows the public to inform the council of any issues that officers might not be aware of that might change the scheme.
During the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee(External link) on 5 December 2023, officers were able to provide detailed responses to resident's concerns, and it was recommended and agreed to introduce all of Phase 2 of the 20mph speed limit programme on those roads or parts of roads shown on the list. The concerns raised and officer's responses can be view in the Documents section of the 20mph Speed Limit scheme - Phase 2 consultation page.