Birkenhead 2040 Framework

We asked

Wirral Council developed a framework for the transformational regeneration of Birkenhead, the Birkenhead 2040 Framework. This is a twenty-year plan which sets out the most radical proposals for the town since the 1947 Town Plan.

A public consultation was held to ensure all residents and stakeholders could provide feedback on the draft Framework and help shape the final version. The feedback from this consultation will also be used to shape the final draft of Wirral's Local Plan, the land-use strategy for the Borough, which will be published for public comment in 2022.

The Birkenhead 2040 Framework consultation ran between 21 April to 19 May 2021. For more information about the consultation and to view the consultation report click here.

You said

Residents and stakeholders provided feedback on a number of elements of the framework. These included the framework vision which was approved by 85% of respondents. There are nine objectives describing the activity to be undertaken to achieve the vision and 71-89% of respondents supported the objectives. The eight catalyst projects outlined in the framework received respondent support of between 74-89% and the nine neighbourhood areas gained respondent support between 79-90%. Residents also provided ideas for future development and using a mapping tool identified Birkenhead’s assets, areas for change or new opportunities. Additional feedback was collected through stakeholder events and focus groups.

We did

The Framework was developed based on what residents and local businesses have told the council is important to them. Members of the council’s Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee (Wednesday 9 March 2022) approved the Framework.

At the heart of the proposals is the creation of family-friendly neighbourhoods with beautiful, green public spaces and parks. The plan will re-connect the revitalised town centre with the amazing opportunities along the Mersey waterfront and will make the most of the town’s iconic heritage and buildings. Work is already underway including at Wirral Waters, at Eureka in Seacombe, and in Birkenhead town centre.

The Birkenhead 2040 Framework will also support the development of Wirral’s Local Plan, focus on redeveloping brownfield sites on the east of the borough to meet our housing needs and underpin a key element of the regeneration which will make a real difference to the lives of the people of Wirral.

The Framework sets out a 20-year plan for Birkenhead which will evolve over time as different stages of the plan programme are reached. The Council will continue to engage with stakeholders and residents of Birkenhead to ensure that they are kept up to date with progress and that their views continue to shape the regeneration of Birkenhead over the plan period.

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