Wallasey Town Hall Quarter Masterplan

We Asked

We asked for feedback on the Wallasey Town Hall Quarter Masterplan. The masterplan proposed a remodelled Town Hall Quarter with a centralised plaza as a focal open space around the Town Hall, potential to deliver 496 new homes, improved transport and connectivity, a New Riverside School on the existing school site, and a new 21st century leisure facility to replace the existing Guinea Gap leisure centre.

You Said

104 people responded to the consultation; most were local residents. 61.2% of the responses said they supported this masterplan whilst 14.6% said they did not support it. 73.3% of the responses said that the main benefit / opportunity this masterplan could deliver was to improve the image of the town. The next most popular options were ‘Create new / improved facilities for local people’, ‘Provide a neighbourhood where local people may choose to stay and live’ and ‘Make the town a better place for children’. The objective that respondents agreed with the most was ‘Providing a new Riverside Primary School and Guinea Gap Leisure Centre would make a positive contribution to Seacombe’. Residents also agreed overall that the proposed masterplan would benefit local people and businesses in Seacombe. 37.2% of residents felt that the masterplan was too ambitious / unrealistic. People commented on the facilities and services they would like in the area, saying that leisure services should be maintained and that there needs to be facilities for children. Some said that more housing will require more services such as doctor’s surgeries.

We Did

At the Economy, 04/12/2024 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee(External link) the Wallasey Town Hall Quarter was adopted as the Council’s approved planning strategy for the area.

Link to consultation page.

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