Wirral Libraries Strategy

The engagement is now closed, thank you to everyone who took part, the findings of the consultation are published in the Libraries Consultation Report published in the Documents section of this page.

Wirral Council would like to know what library services are most important to you – whether that be reading materials, joining reading groups, accessing IT facilities and doing online research or taking part in arts and crafts, events and support groups.

We also want to know what we could offer more of and what we could do differently so the library you use the most, can offer the services you need.

If you would like better book collections, more eBooks and eAudio availability, event space, dedicated work and study pods or digital creative spaces for video editing or gaming suites, we would like to know. You can also tell us who you think should run the library and if a community managed library is something you would like to be involved with.

All feedback will help us with the final version of the Library Strategy for the next five years and help the council offer a sustainable library service that meets the needs of the community both now, and for future generations.

The engagement is now closed, thank you to everyone who took part, the findings of the consultation are published in the Libraries Consultation Report published in the Documents section of this page.

Wirral Council would like to know what library services are most important to you – whether that be reading materials, joining reading groups, accessing IT facilities and doing online research or taking part in arts and crafts, events and support groups.

We also want to know what we could offer more of and what we could do differently so the library you use the most, can offer the services you need.

If you would like better book collections, more eBooks and eAudio availability, event space, dedicated work and study pods or digital creative spaces for video editing or gaming suites, we would like to know. You can also tell us who you think should run the library and if a community managed library is something you would like to be involved with.

All feedback will help us with the final version of the Library Strategy for the next five years and help the council offer a sustainable library service that meets the needs of the community both now, and for future generations.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Take part in the survey to tell us why you use the library and what you think could be changed, improved or added to the service to make it better.

Page last updated: 12 Jan 2022, 09:52 AM