Wirral Parking Strategy
We Asked
Wirral Council is looking to develop a parking strategy to see what is working, what isn’t and what needs to be changed to provide better facilities now and for the future.
The first phase of engagement, which can be found here, was designed to discover opinions regarding parking. The first phase of engagement was responded to by 1,188 people and its findings discussed at Environment, Climate Change and Transport Committee in June 2023.
Following the first phase of consultation, a second phase was launched to discover residents and stakeholders opinions regarding proposed parking policies, which had been designed with the feedback from phase 1.
You Said
2,171 people responded to the phase 2 survey. Of the 22 proposals, 11 were generally supported and 11 generally opposed.
The following proposal received strong support, "The council should use enforcement powers to restrict parking outside schools during pick up and drop off times."
The following proposal was strongly opposed, "Parking should be booked and paid for by a smartphone app rather than by a pay and display machine."
The survey identified some concerns about the introduction of the scheme, which included:
- Impact on businesses.
- Public transport is currently not a viable alternative to private vehicle use.
- Not enough enforcement of current parking rules.
The full report from Phase 2 can be found in the documents section here.
We Did
During the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee(External link) on 5 December 2023, the parking strategy was approved.