We asked, you said, we did

Here you can read about how we are using the results from consultations to help inform Council decisions.

Here you can read about how we are using the results from consultations to help inform Council decisions.

  • Budget 2022-23: Tennis

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    We asked

    On 28 February 2022, Budget Council agreed a balanced budget for the 2022/23 financial year. The budget was based on assumptions that some services within the Council would stop in order to generate savings and allow for the balanced budget to be achievable.

    This included the closure (for a 12-month period) of Wirral Tennis & Sports Centre for redevelopment. A public consultation with regards to this option was opened on the Councils Have Your Say platform between 31 January and 27 March 2022.

    You said

    The questionnaire had 148 online and 9 paper responses. Of those responses, 65% said they, or somebody they cared for were regular users of Wirral Tennis Centre, and 48% said they were members of the Invigor8 scheme. The overall results were mixed, with an average response over the 3 questions of 43% in favour, and 42% against the budget saving.

    The consultation exercise also received representation from the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) in their capacity as the national governing body for tennis. The LTA expressed concern at the proposed closure of three out of the six indoor tennis courts at the site. Consequently, the LTA have proposed a package of measures that will both deliver the required level of saving at the site together with a wider package of investment funding.

    For more information about the consultation and to view the consultation report click here.

    We did

    The outcome of the consultation, together with the partnership agreement with the Lawn Tennis Association, was reported to the Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure committee on Thursday, 16 June 2022. The committee agreed the reinstatement of the tennis offer, and development of community offer at the Wirral Tennis & Sports Centre (WTSC) subject to the implementation of a new model for tennis at the site, established through a partnership agreement with the Lawn Tennis Association.

  • Budget 2022-23: Woodchurch Leisure Centre

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    We asked

    On 28 February 2022, Budget Council agreed a balanced budget for the 2022/23 financial year. The budget was based on assumptions that some services within the Council would stop in order to generate savings and allow for the balanced budget to be achievable. This included the permanent closure of Woodchurch Leisure Centre. A public consultation with regards to this option was opened on the Councils Have Your Say platform between 31 January and 27 March 2022.

    You said

    The questionnaire had 303 responses. Of those responses, 72% said they, or somebody they cared for were regular users of Wirral Council swimming pools, and 24% said they were members of the Invigor8 scheme. The overall results show a disagreement with the saving, with an average disagree response over 3 questions of 81%.

    For more information about the consultation and to view the consultation report click here.

    We did

    The outcome of the consultation, together with proposed savings, was reported to the Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure committee on Thursday, 16 June 2022, where the permanent closure of Woodchurch Leisure Centre was approved.

  • Budget 2022-23: Golf

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    We asked

    On 28 February 2022, Budget Council agreed a balanced budget for the 2022/23 financial year. The budget was based on assumptions that some services within the Council would stop in order to generate savings and allow for the balanced budget to be achievable. This included the closure of the two poorest performing 18-hole golf courses – Brackenwood and Hoylake, as well as two leisure based recreational sites at New Brighton. A public consultation with regards to this option was opened on the Councils Have Your Say platform between 31 January -27 March 2022.

    You said

    The questionnaire had 433 online responses, with no paper copies submitted. Of those responses, 65% said they, or somebody they cared for were regular users of Wirral’s Municipal Golf Courses, and 39% said they were members of the Invigor8 scheme. 68% of respondents disagree with the budget proposal to close Brackenwood Golf Course, and 62% of respondents disagreed with the budget saving, to closure Hoylake Golf course. In respect of the Leisure golf courses, 45% of respondents disagreed with the closure, in comparison to 41% agreeing with the budget saving.

    For more information about the consultation and to view the consultation report click here.

    We did

    The outcome of the consultation, together with proposed savings, was reported to the Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure committee on Thursday, 16 June 2022, where the closure of Brackenwood and Hoylake golf courses, and the closure of Kings Parade and Wallasey Beach pitch n putt golf courses were approved.

  • Budget 2022-23: Europa Fun Pool

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    We asked

    On 28 February 2022, Budget Council agreed a balanced budget for the 2022/23 financial year. The budget was based on assumptions that some services within the Council would stop in order to generate savings and allow for the balanced budget to be achievable. This included the closure of the Fun (Leisure) Pool at Europa Pools and the development of a fitness facility. A public consultation was opened on the Councils Have Your Say platform between 31 January and 27 March 2022.

    You said

    The questionnaire had 240 responses. Of those responses, 74% said they, or somebody they cared for were regular users of Wirral Council swimming pools, and 28% said they were members of the Invigor8 scheme. The overall results show a lack of agreement with the saving, with an average disagree response over 4 questions of 75%.

    For more information about the consultation and to view the consultation report click here.

    We did

    The outcome of the consultation, together with proposed savings, was reported to the Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure committee on Thursday, 16 June 2022. The committee considered all public feedback and made recommendations. They approved the permanent closure of the leisure pool at Europa Pools, with alternative provision and pool-based activities for children and young people within the main competition pool (and other sites where permissible). In addition, the alternative fitness offer within the space previously occupied by the leisure pool at Europa Pools was retained.

  • Car Parking Charges - Traffic Regulation Orders Consultation

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    Between 1 December and 24 December 2021 a consultation on seven draft Traffic Regulation Orders (“TROs”) under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“RTRA) was carried out by the Council. Four of these TROs relate to existing off-street car parks and the other TROs would entail the introduction of on-street car parking charges.

    The result of the consultation and the approval of the introduction of on-street and off-street car parking charges in various new locations was listed as an agenda item for the Environment, Climate, Emergency and Transport Committee on 20 June 2022. However, the item was deferred following correspondence received from a local business in relation to the legality of the proposals.

    In light of this the Council has decided to wait until its new Parking Strategy is completed and adopted before proceeding with a fresh consultation process for off-street and on-street car parking.

  • Culture and Heritage Strategy for Birkenhead

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    We asked

    The Culture and Heritage Strategy for Birkenhead was commissioned in support of the Council’s ambitious regeneration plans. The strategy will set out how the Council will work in partnership to make sure that culture and heritage are at the heart of plans for renewal, including transforming our precious public realm. Celebrating Birkenhead’s history, telling our story in new ways and energising our communities through cultural experiences has never been more important as we recover from the pandemic and look ahead to the future.

    The Council carried out public and stakeholder engagement through the Have Your Say portal alongside a range of stakeholder engagement. The consultation invited views on areas including what Birkenhead’s cultural assets are, what are the main opportunities for and from culture and heritage, what aspects of culture and heritage should be priorities for support and development within the new culture and heritage strategy and what successful culture and heritage strategy outcomes would look like.

    You said

    Residents and stakeholders provided a range of feedback on developing the strategy including noting the strong assets which were Birkenhead’s parks and gardens, heritage and museums and galleries. There was also feedback on priority areas for support and development and ensuring that provision was provided for children and young people. Issues and challenges to developing culture and heritage were also identified including maximising funding opportunities, ensuring connection with communities and creatives, and improving visitor experience.

    For more information about the consultation and to view the consultation report click here

    We did

    The findings from the engagement were reviewed and a draft strategy was developed and taken to the Council’s Tourism, Culture and Leisure Committee on 17 November 2021 for review. Following that, further engagement was undertaken with key stakeholders to finalise the strategy and to develop an action plan for the next 12 months. A number of changes have been made to the strategy in response to the engagement, for example strengthening the strategic themes and priorities to ensure that the Council’s and partners’ commitment to promote and protect the history and heritage of Birkenhead and Wirral is fully articulated.

    The Heritage and Culture Strategy for Birkenhead was approved by the Council’s Tourism, Culture and Leisure Committee on 8 March 2022, and the action plan is now being delivered.

  • Dock Branch Park

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    We asked: On 1st September 2021 Wirral Council embarked on the first of a series of consultation events aimed at capturing stakeholders’ ideas and feedback on the Dock Branch Park proposal, including a virtual 'Idea's Board' here on Have Your Say. The consultation events were designed to engage with stakeholders from a wide demographic spectrum including young people, people with a disability, parent groups and the public who will use the park on a daily basis

    You said: In total 491 residents and stakeholders have contributed to the consultation carried out on the Ideas Board, Igloo workshops and pop-up events run by 'Placed'. Overall, there is support for the project to transform an unused part of Birkenhead into a valuable community asset. There is also a desire to be fully involved in the process of design to ensure that Dock Branch is responsive and designed in partnership with local communities.

    For more information, and to see the results of these consultation events, click here.

    We Did: The results of the consultation will be presented to the design team consisting of Mott McDonald, Building Design Partnership (BDP), Optimised Environments (OpEn) and officers of the Council. The findings of the consultation will be taken in to account and incorporated into the design of the park. Further consultation is planned for later in 2022.

  • Wirral Council Local Elections Consultation

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    We Asked

    We asked residents whether we should change to 'whole council' elections or continue with the current system of ‘elections by thirds’.

    You Said

    527 people contributed to the consultation, which took the form of a poll. Most people (60.9%) thought that the council should move to an all-out electoral system. 38.0% did not think the council should move to this system, and 1.1% had no preference.

    For more information about the consultation and to view the Consultation report click here.

    We Did

    The consultation report was presented to an extraordinary meeting of the council on 21st March 2022. Based on the report, the committee agreed to move to whole Whole Council elections from 2023.

  • Birkenhead 2040 Framework

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    We asked

    Wirral Council developed a framework for the transformational regeneration of Birkenhead, the Birkenhead 2040 Framework. This is a twenty-year plan which sets out the most radical proposals for the town since the 1947 Town Plan.

    A public consultation was held to ensure all residents and stakeholders could provide feedback on the draft Framework and help shape the final version. The feedback from this consultation will also be used to shape the final draft of Wirral's Local Plan, the land-use strategy for the Borough, which will be published for public comment in 2022.

    The Birkenhead 2040 Framework consultation ran between 21 April to 19 May 2021. For more information about the consultation and to view the consultation report click here.

    You said

    Residents and stakeholders provided feedback on a number of elements of the framework. These included the framework vision which was approved by 85% of respondents. There are nine objectives describing the activity to be undertaken to achieve the vision and 71-89% of respondents supported the objectives. The eight catalyst projects outlined in the framework received respondent support of between 74-89% and the nine neighbourhood areas gained respondent support between 79-90%. Residents also provided ideas for future development and using a mapping tool identified Birkenhead’s assets, areas for change or new opportunities. Additional feedback was collected through stakeholder events and focus groups.

    We did

    The Framework was developed based on what residents and local businesses have told the council is important to them. Members of the council’s Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee (Wednesday 9 March 2022) approved the Framework.

    At the heart of the proposals is the creation of family-friendly neighbourhoods with beautiful, green public spaces and parks. The plan will re-connect the revitalised town centre with the amazing opportunities along the Mersey waterfront and will make the most of the town’s iconic heritage and buildings. Work is already underway including at Wirral Waters, at Eureka in Seacombe, and in Birkenhead town centre.

    The Birkenhead 2040 Framework will also support the development of Wirral’s Local Plan, focus on redeveloping brownfield sites on the east of the borough to meet our housing needs and underpin a key element of the regeneration which will make a real difference to the lives of the people of Wirral.

    The Framework sets out a 20-year plan for Birkenhead which will evolve over time as different stages of the plan programme are reached. The Council will continue to engage with stakeholders and residents of Birkenhead to ensure that they are kept up to date with progress and that their views continue to shape the regeneration of Birkenhead over the plan period.

  • Wirral Libraries Phase 1

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    We Asked

    We asked residents to provide their views on Library services in Wirral to help develop a Library Strategy for the next five years. The aim is to offer a sustainable library service that meets the needs of the community both now, and for future generations.

    We asked what library services were most important – whether that be reading materials, joining reading groups, accessing IT facilities, and doing online research or taking part in arts and crafts, events, and support groups. We also wanted to know what we could offer more of and what we could do differently so the library you use the most, can offer the services you need. There was also the opportunity to provide a view on who should run the library and if a community managed library is something you would like to be involved with.

    You Said

    There were 1,562 responses to the survey, this provided a wealth of information in key areas including the library service, the online library, new ideas for libraries and community involvement in library operations. This information was used to support the development of the new strategy.

    For more information about the consultation and to view the Consultation report click here.

    We Did

    The consultation feedback directly influenced the development of a new emerging Library Strategy, which includes options for a new operating model for Wirral Libraries. This information including the consultation report was presented to the Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee on 18 January 2022. The committee agreed for this new proposed model to undergo further public consultation and engagement with service users, staff, key stakeholders, and their representatives. This second phase of public consultation will go live in February 2022.

Page last updated: 19 Dec 2024, 09:14 AM